The importance of NETCC Accreditation

Did you know in Australia that only 50% of Solar retailers and installers nationally are NETCC Accredited?

Staggering isn't it? This is why you might be finding that the Solar industry in Australia is a bit like a jungle.

Misinformation, pressuring sales tactics and lack of understanding run rampant. The industry does not help itself in this regard and there are areas where the industry is not regulated enough.

This is why we heavily recommend that when installing Solar, you check for this blue accreditation symbol.

You might be wondering by now, "What is NETCC Accreditation and what does it stand for?"

NETCC stands for the New Energy Technology Consumer Code. The NETCC is the watchdog and consumer protection agency of the Solar and Renewable Energy sector in Australia.

If an Energy Retailer is Accredited, then they will have this logo displayed:

When choosing a retailer, AusPac Solar cannot recommend enough how important it is you choose a company bearing this logo.

NETCC accreditation ensures that a retailer and installer operate to set behavioural standards for sales and installation standard minimum criteria.

To get this accreditation, retailers must have a track record of good sales experience and standards, and also be qualified Electricians.

Without this badge, you might as well be talking to any random on the street calling themselves a Solar installer.  

Whether you choose to install your Solar with AusPac or not is up to you. We are an accredited NETCC retailer and installer. We also only work with partners that are NETCC Accredited.

AusPac Solar's standards and policy are what sets us apart from other retailers. We maintain this policy for the benefit of our customers ensuring they receive top quality installation and customer service. By working with the best we ensure the best quality standards.

Check our video below on ways to ensure you're choosing the right Solar retailer and installer:

Book an Appointment with us to understand how our NETCC Accredited installers can assist you.