Solar Batteries: Addressing Safety Issue Concerns

Solar batteries are an important part of solar systems, along with panels and inverters. They offer several benefits, including protection against power outages and the ability to store excess electricity. Batteries also enable excess power to be exported back to the grid, whereby you can claim a nominal feed-in tariff from your energy provider.  

Benefits of Batteries:

  • No More Blackouts
  • Lower Electricity Bills
  • Energy-independence
  • Increase Property Value
  • Your system becomes a Hybrid system  

Solar panels paired with a battery work in tandem to run your home energy needs. During the day your panels run your home, whilst simultaneously charging your battery to use during the evening (in peak time).  

Learn more about Solar Batteries here:

When selecting a battery, a solar provider and installer, it is crucial to consider your requirements. In recent months, there’s been multiple reports across Australia regarding safety concerns with the use of batteries. Are they safe? Will they catch on fire? And what risks are involved?  

The safety of your home and the safety of your family are of paramount importance to all parties involved.  

In this blog, we address all these items.  

And further, we explain why it's essential to choose accredited NETCC installers, who are qualified electricians to perform your installation to avoid such risks.  

Safety Concerns in Solar Installations: Why AusPac Solar’s Accredited NETCC Installers Make All the Difference

If you've been thinking about getting solar installed, you might've heard a few stories that make you a bit nervous. Maybe a mate told you about dodgy installations or you've seen some alarming headlines about battery issues. It's enough to make anyone think twice, right?

Well, let's take a deep dive into those safety concerns. Who's at risk, why it matters, and how you can avoid becoming one of those horror stories.  

Spoiler alert: The answer is AusPac Solar, and we’ll tell you why.

Who's at Risk?

First off, anyone can be at risk if they go with a budget-rate solar provider. It's tempting to save a few bucks upfront, but here's the thing – skimping on quality control can lead to bigger problems down the road. We're talking about electrical faults, fire hazards, and even system failures that can leave you in the dark (literally).

Why Safety Matters?

Solar panels and batteries are high-tech equipment which requires skill, precision, and a deep understanding of both electrical and solar technologies.  

If they’re not installed correctly, you could face a range of issues.  

These include poor performance, potential electrical hazards, or even fire risks.  

No one wants that kind of worry hanging over their heads. That’s why choosing the right installer is key to ensuring everything runs smoothly and safely. You need a professional.  

It's no secret that the solar industry has boomed in recent years.  

And with that, a lot of fly-by-night operators have sprung up, looking to make a quick buck.  

These guys often cut corners by using substandard materials and hiring unqualified installers. It's a classic case of you get what you pay for.

So when choosing your retailer, ensure that they’re NETCC Accredited. NETCC Accredited installers are experienced professionals who are backed by Australia’s Clean Energy Council (CEC), Australia’s renewable energy best practice police watch-dog.  

The alarming thing about the Solar industry is that only 50% of known retailers operating in Australia are NETCC Accredited. It’s not law to be legally accredited. But it’s an essential safety standard, as a consumer you MUST be aware of.  

How to Avoid Issues?

Here at AusPac Solar, we take safety seriously. That’s why we only employ accredited NETCC (National Electrical and Communications Association) installers. What does that mean to you?

These folks are the best of the best, certified and trained to the highest standards. Our team knows their stuff inside and out.

You might notice that our fees are a bit higher, there’s a good reason for that.  

We charge a premium to ensure we can attract and retain the best installers in the business. And in turn, we get the best results from the best people.  

At AusPac you can probably notice a trend. We only work with the best of the best. The best quality products with the best quality installers.  

That’s our company policy and our guarantee to you, the installer. We’re not here to make a quick buck. We’ve been in Solar for 15 years and we plan to continue servicing our communities for years to come.  

When you choose AusPac Solar, you’re paying for quality, expertise, and assurance that your installation is top-notch.

Safety in Solar installations isn’t just about ticking boxes, it’s about ensuring that your investment is protected and that your home remains a safe haven.  

With AusPac Solar, you can rest easy knowing that we’ve got your back. Our accredited NETCC installers, premium services, and unwavering commitment to quality are what set us apart from others.

So, if you want 100% assurance that you’re with the right Solar provider and installer, Book a Discovery Call with us today.  


We’re here to make your Solar journey smooth, safe, and worry-free.